Saturday, August 16, 2008

What You Should Not Do In A Nature Destination在生态景点不应该做的事

Some tourists came in a taxi to this Wetland conservation area and then BEGAN to feed the Wild Monkeys there. After advising them not to do so, they retorted "Look.... they are very hungry. No one feeds them!" I told them if everybody do the same, the monkeys will wait for people to feed them and eventually will not go into the jungle to search for food themselves. So, sooner or later, the food chain will be affected and it is all because of us!!! Guess what, they didn't believe me! The taxi driver who is apparently the person who taught them to buy the bananas to do the feeding disappeared from the scene when he heard me advising the tourists.

Note the video above:

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Hi, thanks for dropping a few words. Happy Reading!