Wednesday, December 24, 2008


A New Cultural Village with the name "Mari Mari Cultural Village" has opened its doors to tourists who want to have a closer look or insight into the ethnic groups of Sabah. A very interesting place with a few traditional houses and of course, the long houses too of the Muruts(Headhunter) and the Rungus.

#Note: Even though some of the natives still live in their traditional houses, the famous Muruts(Headhunters) do not practice any more Head hunting. So, DO NOT WORRY!

Monday, December 22, 2008


When I travel to another place or country, I would always love to try out the local food and delicacies. The adventurous type, sometimes even even try out the UNTHINKABLE! For tourists intending to visit Sabah, I am embarking to do a bit of work here to list out some of the well known eateries and restaurants and hang-out cafes of the locals!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Conducted a Walk on 08th December for 32 students + 4 teachers from Omman. Very interesting group of students. I've got 4 Heritage Guides to do the Walk for them while I tagged along to take some videos of the Walk. The Walk was slightly different as there were more questions in the Treasure Hunt to add in more fun for the students. Luckily, there's a winner for all the 4 groups of them. All in, its a satisfactory Walk with our very experienced Heritage Guides, C.K Leong, Lillian, John and Gwenda.

Monday, December 15, 2008



各位亲爱的客人, 照片都已放在网上。 请进入这里哦! :

From 沙巴之旅十二月十号直十四号